Thursday 15 January 2015

Daily Reflection: Daily Encouragment

Encourage yourselves daily while it is still today
- Hebrews 3:13

Encouragment of one's faith weather it be your own or someone elses is tremendously effective. It is a great way to build someone's faith up and remind yourself of how you can build your own. Through hearing many stories of the Gospels during Church the best example of a person who commends and rewards others for showing faith is Jesus. He constanly affirms the faith in others and blesses them through that act alone. In imitating Christ we encourage eachother to persevere and grow in our faith each and everyday. 

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Daily Reflection: The Contemporary World

Do not model you behaviour on the contemporary world, but let the renewing of your minds transform you, so that you may discern for yourselves what is the will of God -- what is good and acceptable and mature.
- Romans 12:2

This passage struck me as a call to reject certain worldly ways, and focus on the growth and renewal found in prayer and following in the example of Christ. Through this persistence in imitating Christ and not the World the will of God will become more clear and easier to discern. In doing so in faith trust, and hope the LOrd will inspire us with his good, acceptable and mature plan for our lives. 

Further on in this chapter St. Paul outlines ways in which to imitate Christ. (Romans 12: 6 - 21)

GAP Year Part 2

The first 4 months of the GAP year are over and with it an endless amount of relationships, skills, and experiences have been built, grown and created. As this second half begins so will my new outlook on the GAP year. This next semseter will be more a time of discernment, prayer, reflecion and planning for the future. With this I will be posting a daily reflection on either a scripture passage or from some spiritual reading, to really remember what I am reflecting and praying on, if I ever need to look back. With this I will be trying to blog more on the event that will happen during the second part of this year as that is something I've been lacking in. (New Blogger problems)

Please Pray for me this year as I embark on the second half of this journey.

You're in my Prayers

God Bless